Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Keep It Hot

So you and your partner have been together for awhile. You would think that things in the sack would get better and hotter as time goes by, right? Um....not quite. In fact things are likely to go in the opposite direction as comfort sets in. Things tend to flatline after awhile for many couples. Want to learn how to put some bang back into banging? Keep reading....

Try Anything Once.
Some couples have a pact that nothing is off limits for trying at least once. So, why not give it a shot. Be open and willing. Make sure you let your partner know that they don't have to do it again after this time if they don't want to. And be willing to do the same when the roles reverse.

Novelty ignites passion and triggers your brain's response to release the horomones that are linked to romance and sex drive. So if you keep doing things that are new and different you stand a better chance of sustaining the romance.

Pump It Up.
Exercise is good for you in many ways. Vigorous activities release endorphines which boost your mood and relax you. In the 40mins following exercise your skin temperature is elevated making your more sensitive to touch. After exercise your brain and body are likely to be in a state of hyperarousal. So take advantage of it!

Game on.
Remember those teenage games of Truth or Dare and Sping the Bottle? Yeah, embrace them again. Only not quite so innocently this time. Studies have actually shown that silly games lead to crazy sex. Didn't catch that? Ok, I said being silly leads to CRAZY SEX. Get creative with your game closet. Use Scrabble points for 2-mins of "sexual favors". Most importantly, have fun with it!

Schedule It.
Ok, I'm not saying to schedule sex at 8:00 every Wednesday evening. What I am saying is make it a point to, maybe, spend an hour laying in bed together on a Sunday morning. You may just lay there and chat, or you may rock the sheets like a porn star. Either way, you're connecting. Sometimes a quickie is good, but sometimes it is also better to take the time to enjoy eachother.

Happy Sexing!

Friday, August 19, 2011


Guys, we know you like it. In length and in detail. We, however, are not as big of fans. You like to tell us EVERY. SINGLE. THING. you want to do to us and you want done to you. Believe me when I tell you the novelty of such messages will wear itself out by the time she pushes the 'send' button for the second time.

If you feel you must sext there are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. Do not send her a message if you are unsure of her location. If you know she's in a board meeting, that would be a bad time. Visiting great aunt Agnes, also a bad time.

  2. Do not send her a message if you are unsure the gesture will be welcomed.

  3. Do not send her a message if you have not yet actually had sex together. Baaaaad idea.

  4. Descriptions are generally a better idea than images.

You take a risk when you decide to send a sext. You've now just stated your sexual intent to the girl you are pursuing. And it now has the potential to blow up in your face. So, before you take a pic of your member and send it to her, please keep reading for some tips on how to reduce the "blowing up in face" odds....

Don't sext anything you wouldn't actually say. The ability to communicate electronically has given the world a little extra bravado when it comes to what we say. It is easier to say something we normally wouldn't say via text or email than it would be to say it face to face. Do keep that in mind. If you can't/won't actually say it to her do not sext it. Remember, that message leaves a technological footprint and could come back to haunt you. (don't believe me, ask Brett Favre).

Do not send unsolicited sexts. Just because she gave you her number does not mean you now have free rein to lay it on. You have to gauge whether or not a lady is open to flirting just as you have to gauge her openness to sexting. Start off slowly. Flirt by text and gradually build up if she seems receptive. And do not sext her if you haven't sexed her in real life.

Use words, not pictures. Remember that blowing up in your face thing I mentioned? Yeah...don't forget it. You have a better chance if you just use your words. Trust me I do not want to see a pic of your junk flash across the screen of my phone (this is also where checking her location comes in handy. She really doesn't need or want the president of her company seeing that pop up either). Our sexuality is largely mental, less visual. We know you guys are visual creatures so therefore you think we are too. While we are and can be, it is more about the mental stimulation. Share your ideas about what we can do later when we're together, build up the anticipation. Don't just take pictures of your stuff and send them to us. This is why porn works for you and less for us. A picture of a woman's rack will do more for you than a pic of your pride and joy will do for us. We want the whole package, from your head to your toes.

Now, all that said I will humour your sexting attempts unless/until the pics of your manlihood start coming in, and/or it gets to be too vulgar. No, this isn't because it upsets my delicate lady senses. This is because it doesn't do much for me. Instead try sending a message like:

"I saw you leave the house in the skirt you know I like. And now I can't get you off my mind. Can't wait to see you later."

This tells me you've noticed me and you're now thinking about me. And it is also suggestive of what could happen when we get home later. THIS will likely get you further than sending a pic of your nether regions with a message saying "I want to fuck your brains out". See the difference? A slightly suggestive message goes further for us, and therefore for will have a better chance of going further for you.


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Make-up Sex

You've had a long day at the office, spent far too long sitting in rush hour traffic. You walk through the door greeted by a dog that needs to pee, kids that need to be fed and a stack of bills that need to be paid. Then your partner goes and says or does something that pisses you off. It on top of everything you just dealt with and that needs to be dealt with throws you both into an argument of epic proportions.

Having make-up sex after a long, gut wrenching argument makes it all worthwhile. In fact it is a great way for couples to reconnect.

Think about it: you've laid all your cards on the table, you put it all out there. What could possibly be better than pure, raw, angry, animalistic sex. I bet that got your attention, didn't it?

The line between anger and sexual excitement is a thin one. For most people pent up aggression, like sexual frustration, needs to be let out every so often. So once she's unleashed her aggression why not make use of that energy and jump her bones.

Be warned, however, she may not want you to touch her right away. In fact, expect that reaction. She may even slap you in the face. If she does ask her if it makes her feel better. If she says yes, well, tell her to do it again....and if she does smack you again take it like a man. After she's done, or if she doesn't slap you, grab her face and kiss her hard and deeply. Don't let all her anger dissolve, though. You want her angry AND horny.

I do not, however, suggest picking a fight just so you can reap the benefits of reconciliation sex. However, the next time you two have a heated argument use some of that vulnerable, raw emotion in the bedroom. Man up. Take the bull by the horns and show her just how sorry you really are. Oh, the argument wasn't your fault? Show her anyway.


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Movie Sex Myths

Remember how you've likely heard a dozen times "don't believe everything you read"? Well, don't believe everything you see on the big screen...

Pool sex is awesome and shower sex is possible. Both, false.
Pool sex is tricky because the water totally destroys any lubrication.
And shower sex is not nearly as easy as it looks in the movies. The floor is slippery so it is almost impossible to brace yourself against a wall. And that thing about water destroying lube? Also true for showers.

Women regularly scream and holler and praise the lord during the act means they love it.
Yes, sometimes we're loud during sex. Enthusiastically so. And it is sometimes because we're totally loving it. But sometimes it is more about making you happy and helping you along than it is about our own pleasure.

The penis is the key to her pleasure.
Um, no. If you think that all you need to please her is dangling between your legs you are going to leave her bored, sore and disappointed.

Sex is beautiful.
Ok look. Sex is great. But it is also messy and sometimes totally unexpected things happen. I'm talking unladylike noises, and sweat slippage. You get the idea.

Whipped cream bikinis and chocolate syrup are great addtions to sexual activities.
No. No they're not. At least not all the time. If you're into sticky sex, great. But the gooey clean up afterwards does not sound appealing to me at all.

Women want to cuddle for hours after.
Ok, most of us want cuddling afterwards. But really the first thing on most of our minds is finding our panties (where did they go anyway?) and running to the bathroom.


Happy Orgasm Week!

(pretty sure it was last week...but better late than never!)

And really, WHO KNEW?

Monday, August 1, 2011

Things Women Wish You Knew

Ok, so she's naked. Nice! Easy boy. No matter how naked or not naked she is, there are things she's not willing (0r able) to tell you. Here are some of the things she wishes you knew about her. Perhaps you will be able to help her enjoy herself and her body as much as you do. Read on..

1) Kiss her neck. Neck kissing = instant arousal = necessary change in undies.
In today's "pornified" world neck kissing, nibbling and nuzzling connotes intimacy, not eroticism.
2) She's all ears. The ears, inside and out, are packed with nerve endings. Lightly breathe warm air into her ear. Some women have noted if they are close to finishing during sex, a slight breath or touch to her ear can send her over the edge.
3)Play with her hair. Gentle tugging stimulates nerve endings, and it just feels good. Playing with her tresses may signal bonding to her as well.
4)Look at her. We're not talking lustful stares. We're talking making a point of making eye contact with her when she tells you about her day or when you compliment her.
5)She likes to watch. Ok, we're visual creatures too. We're not the only ones that respond to seeing a naked body. Women like to see their man's manlihood just as much as men like to see our girlie bits.
6)We love to see you savour our body. Not all women are into nipple stimulation, however watching you lick and suck is damn sexy.
7)Adore her butt. Keep your paws off it in public though. Instead go for more subtle areas. However many women agree that their butt is their least favorite body part. When you grab it during sex or just as I walk by you tells us you love it. And we love that you love it.
8)Make her slippery. Remember the neck thing I mentioned earlier? Yeah, that'll do it. However, just because she's wet doesn't mean she's ready to go. So forget the dipstick test "oh good, she's wet, let's go". Give it some more time. The more time you give her the more aroused she will be.
9)She's not shallow. There is more to the clitoris than just the tip. In fact it splits off into "legs" under her lips, each of which run down either side of the vagina. So, explore the areas surrounding the tip. You may just surprise her.
10) The G-Spot. It does exist. However, many women say they find it difficult to find on their own. So this is where you come in. The usual "come hither" may work to find it. Other wome prefer firm tapping or a circular motion.
11) Be Rough. But do it gently. Many of us like it when we feel weak, even if we're not actually. Be aggressive in your delivery but also be attentive to her needs. Men complain women are often timid of handling their penis in fear of hurting them. Women say the same about their body. Try the take-control move she craves: pinning her down on the bed is the aggressive move most likely to flip her switch.
